Never be afraid of your pet dog going missing with Apple's AirTag

The worst nightmare of any pet owner is his or her beloved furkid going missing. 90% of lost pets without IDs never get reunited with owners. But fret not, in 2021, pawrents can finally rest easy knowing there is a solution to more easily find their pets in they're ever lost.

Apple has a new product, the AirTag, which is an amazing technology. While it's originally intended to track items like keys or bags in case you misplace them, there is a better use for it. To track your pets in case they are lost!


 Pet tracker

Why other options suck

There are plenty of pet trackers on the market but most utilise Bluetooth technology like the Tile or if you're willing to shell out more money, GPS, to connect your phone to the physical tracker that is hooked on your pet's collar.

What's wrong with that, you may ask. Well, almost everything. Let's list the key limitations:

  1. Battery life
    GPS trackers are great but their battery lives suck - somewhere between 2 - 20 days. If you get lazy or forget to charge or your pet decides to get lost for an extended duration, the tracker becomes well, a paperweight hanging on Fido's collar.

    Bluetooth trackers fare much better. We're talking about 6 months or more so that's cool. But there is a huge limitation which we shall elaborate below.

  2. Tracking range
    GPS trackers are great. Anywhere your pet is, you bet you'll be able to almost always find it! That's of course before the battery runs out.

    Bluetooth trackers are another story together altogether. If your pet wanders 200 feet (61 metres) or more away, depending on how strong the signal, you may be out of luck locating your furkid. You would probably have to turn to prayers your pet will start wandering back to within the Bluetooth range for you to track it down.

As you can see, the limitations suck. But wait, now, you can get the best of both worlds - extended battery life and long tracking range!



Why Apple AirTag is the best pet tracker ever

The AirTag utilises the trusty old technology of Bluetooth to track things down but the way it does so is revolutionary. Now, we know of course the battery life is guaranteed to be reasonably long with Bluetooth.

But what Apple has that no other players have is the fact that there are more than 100 million iPhone users around the world.

Ever heard or used Apple's 'Find My' app function? The AirTag emits a secure Bluetooth signal which can be detected by Apple devices in the Find My network. The devices then send the location of the AirTag (which your pet is carrying around its collar) to iCloud, which you can then open up the Find My app to check out where your furkid is on the map!

In other words, it creates a sort of mesh network of iPhone pinging the whereabouts of your lost pet! If the entire city uses an Android phone, you're out of luck, but hey, what are the odds? 

In our view, the AirTag is a brilliant tool that's probably much more useful locating lost pets than misplaced keys. If you care about not ever losing your pet, you should definitely get the AirTag! 


Where to buy?

Any Apple Store or major electronics store at your local shopping mall would almost definitely stock them. For just US$29, you get peace of mind, knowing your odds of losing your pet is greatly reduced.


Pawdigy AirTag Case GIF

Your furkid wants to swagger with bling AirTag case?

We specially designed unique AirTag cases for pets to protect the device, that are cute and cool at the same time!